Friday, May 8, 2015

Lesson Four: Old Age Makeup

       This time I was trying for a wrinkled old woman look. If I'd wanted a "happy, cheerful grandmother" type, the lines I drew on my face would have been more upward slanting like crows' feet from all the laughing and smiling. My old lady character has been worn down with long years of hardship, so all the lines slant downwards and the cheeks are hollowed out. I don't really like the way the fine wrinkles on my lips turned out though; they are too bold and evenly-spaced. They should have been finer and more uneven. I'll remember that for next time.
       As with the Basic Stage Makeup lesson, I was taking my own face as the model and adding the lines to it, so aside from Tara McGinnis's tutorial, I didn't really do very much research. I should have. But even so, it didn't turn out too badly.
       I included shots with a more golden light and a more neutral "whiter" light to show how different the effect is.
       I only used three colors from the Ben Nye makeup kit so the execution was relatively simple.

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