Friday, May 8, 2015

Lesson Five: Facial Hair--Young Victorian Gentleman

       For my first time working with crepe hair, I didn't want anything too complicated. So I figured just a mustache would do. I did my best to smooth out the bushiness, but it stayed curly. I should have steamed it. I was surprised by how much face you can cover with such a tiny amount of actual hair.
       I looked at pictures of young Victorian men for inspiration. They were clean-shaven except for a mustache. I don't remember which pictures I used speciafically so I found some after the fact to post here, to give you some idea of what I was after. As you can see, I had a lot of fun with it. Although one corner kept threatening to fall off. I added more angular contouring to my features for a more "masculine" looking facial structure, and thickened my eyebrows. This was also the first time I experimented with gender-bending makeup. I think it turned out rather well for two firsts.

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